So, my kids really like to dance. The other day, Gabby was dancing for me with costume changes and all and Cristian wanted to be included. So, Gabby took him to her room and helped him get into a costume to dance to the fish song from High School Musical 2.
My little Cristian is adorable! He calls this the "bathing suit dance."
Well, the kids and I spent some time at the Utah County Fair. The kids really enjoyed the petting zoo area. We met up with our friend, Anika, at the fair.
Gabby also danced at the fair with her dance group. They danced to "Livin the Vida Loca" from Shrek.
The kids also had fun playing in the tractors and other big construction equipment stuff.
We took a quick trip to Arizona this month. We went to see my brother and his wife and their new baby, Sadie. She is a beautiful baby and we really enjoyed Arizona. Our only regret was that we didn't have more time there.
We did go to a place called Meteor Crater. This is a place were a meteor hit the earth about 50,000 years ago. And is a really big hole in the ground! Erwin loved this. We drove about an hour or an hour and a half to get there and he loved it so much that we turned around and drove back the next day. We had arrived at the crater to late for the guided walking tour on the first visit and so we went back for the tour the next day.
Sedona was beautiful, but again, we did not get to see enough of it. On our way out of Sedona we stopped and took a couple of quick pics.
Finally, we went to Winslow, Az. What in the hell is in Winslow. That's right...nothing! Okay, well there is a street corner on Route 66 with a flatbed ford and a bronze statue of the Eagles dude who sang "Take it Easy" Look up the lyrics, I guess. But we did take easy on route 66 in Winslow, Arizona.
Ricky Carmichael, our family cat, was hit by a car in November and died. We miss him very much and are so sad to have lost him! Of course, Gabby will never forget him and he will always be part of her heart.
New kittens!
We added 2 new kittens to our family after Ricky died. The brother is named Scrooge.